Contact Us – District 20, Fort Collins/Windsor, CO

For information about Al-Anon or Alateen groups, please call, contact us or write.

24-Hour Telephone Contact:
(970) 2AL-ANON (225-2666)

Correspondence or donations may be sent to:
District 20
P. O. Box 1207
Fort Collins, CO 80522

For all requests, please provide your name, phone number, address, and e-mail where applicable.


Attend one of our Beginner’s meetings.
Try a meeting.
Al-Anon Meetings are free, anonymous and confidential.


Contact us for information about Alateen groups, for teens whose lives are or have been affected by another person’s drinking.


Contact us for relevant literature and local contacts.

Note: All requests are held in strictest confidence and mail is sent with only our post office address on the return section.

Additional Contact Information

Please call these additional contacts for information specific to the area/region indicated.

Loveland, Estes Park Website: WSO Meeting List
Greeley (Weld County) Website: WSO Meeting List
Colorado Area 5 Website:
World Service Office(888) 425-2666Website: