Welcome to Service!

Why Service?

  • Service can help you to grow. You can see that you are recovering from the effects of someone’s drinking by how you can help other people in a healthy way.
  • Service can be fun!. You can meet a lot of new people, and have people that you already know begin to see you in a new light.
  • Service can be rewarding. You can make new relationships, broaden existing relationships, develop new skills and discover things about yourself and Al-Anon that you may have never known before.

Service and Outreach Committee (SOC)

    It has been said that if Al-Anon groups do not let the public know of our presence we block ourselves off from those in need…Let us not make that mistake…Let us REACH OUT NOW!
    The SOC is supported by our District and the mission is to provide information to the public and provide opportunities for service within our groups including:

  • Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community.
  • Planning of service-focused workshops.
  • Developing strategies for increasing service participation.

Are you willing to:

  • Attend a SOC meeting? Call 970-225-2666 for the information.
  • Suggest that your group “adopt” a professional or service center and provide Al-Anon literature.
  • Invite a counselor (or group of counselors) to an open meeting of your Al-Anon Group, or bring a few members of your group to a family or treatment center, to introduce them to the potential benefits of Al-Anon.

Telephone Answering Service

Are you aware that our District provides a cell phone number (970) 2AL-ANON (225-2666) so that anyone can find out about Al-Anon or Alateen. This is totally staffed by volunteers and you could be one of them!

The only member requirements to become a Telephone Responder are:

  • You need to be an active Al-Anon member with at least one year of continuous attendance at Al-Anon meetings.
  • Need to be available and accessible to answer calls or return calls in a timely manner.
  • Attend a training with our Telephone Liaison Volunteer.
  • A commitment of at least a week is asked of each volunteer.

Are You willing to:

  • Serve as the first contact most people have with Al-Anon\Alateen.
  • Give a sympathetic response to the friends and families of alcoholics.
  • Pass the message on to those in need.
  • Provide information about Al-Anon\Alateen and local meetings.

Detention Center Al-Anon Meetings

Did you know?

  • Al-Anon provides weekly meetings in the Larimer County Jail and distributes literature.
  • We support the jail population of 450+ inmates, many serving terms of 6 months to 2 years
  • .Our goal is to provide experience, strength and hope to men and women not able to access Al-Anon meetings or literature in the community.
  • Volunteers with all levels of Al-Anon experience are invited to participate.
  • You do not need to enter the jail to be a team member. Volunteers are also needed for organizational activities. Commitment can be as little as 2 hours per month.