Al-Anon / Alateen Literature

What is CAL (Conference Approved Literature)?

To keep Al-Anon’s message in focus and encourage unity, only Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and Al-Anon service tools are distributed and used at Al-Anon meetings, including meetings at conferences and conventions. While individuals may use whatever they find helpful as part of their personal recovery outside of meetings, Al-Anon does not evaluate or recommend anything other than Al-Anon materials.  When sharing at meetings, members limit any mention of outside material to a brief reference. Conference Approved Literature provides a unified view of Al-Anon to members, professionals, other individuals and outside agencies.

Looking to purchase literature?

Al-Anon/Alateen groups and members in Fort Collins are requested to order through District 20 AFG, rather than through Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters. Orders made to the District 20 AFG helps support Al-Anon/Alateen outreach in Fort Collins, Windsor, and Wellington.

The content of the literature is contributed by Al-Anon and Alateen members themselves. All Al-Anon/Alateen literature is Conference Approved Literature (CAL). This means that before publication and sale, literature is approved by the World Service Conference, which is comprised of representatives of all Al-Anon groups in the United States and Canada.

Order and Pickup Information

  • To place an order, send an email to Frankie K. at
  • In the subject line please write the following: Your first name, Day of week and time of group, name of your group. (example: Frankie K., Sunday 11 am, Easy Does It)
  • If you are ordering on behalf of a literature contact person (maybe that person is on vacation for a while, etc.) please also note that literature contact person’s name on the email.)
  • Frankie will email you when your order has been filled. Orders are filled in 1-4 weeks.
  • You will pick up the literature at Frankie’s house in Ft. Collins. There will be a grey bin located at the second set of garages near the garden beds and your order will be in the box.
  • When you pick up the literature, the invoice and a stamped, addressed payment envelope will be in the box/bag with your order.
  • Please don’t leave payment at Frankie’s. Please pay according to the below procedure.

Payment Information

Send to District 20, PO Box 1207, Fort Collins, CO 80522.

We accept checks or money orders. We do not accept credit cards or debit cards.

Make your check or money order payable to District 20 AFG.

Please write your invoice on the check or money order.