Information for Professionals

Defining Al-Anon/ Alateen

  • Al-Anon
    • Is for families and friends of alcoholics
    • Is a separate fellowship from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
    • Al-Anon is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions adapted from AA
    • Is compatible with professional treatment
  • Alateen
    • Is part of the Al-Anon fellowship designed for relatives and friends of alcoholics up to age 19
    • Younger members conduct their own meetings with the guidance of Alateen group sponsors
    • Follows the same Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as Al-Anon
    • Group sponsors are certified with background checks
  • Al-Anon and Alateen groups and members do not:
    • Give advice
    • Indulge in gossip or criticism
    • Discuss members’ religious beliefs, or lack of them
    • Endorse or oppose any cause, thereapy, or treatment
  • Al-Anon/Alateen members are helped when they:
    • Attend meetings on a regular basis
    • Make telephone contact with other members
    • Read Al-Anon/Alateen literature
    • Have another Al-Anon/Alateen member as a sponsor
    • Apply the Twelve Steps of recovery to their lives
    • Become involved in Al-Anon/Alateen service work

Visit a meeting

Professionals may attend “open” Al-Anon meetings. An open Al-Anon meeting welcomes members and prospective members and allows attendance by people who are not families and friends of alcoholics but who are interested in learning about Al-Anon Family Groups.

Generally, Al-Anon group meetings are “closed,” limited to members and prospective members, giving them the freedom to share and listen to the experience, strength, and hope of one another on a confidential and anonymous basis..

Professionals may attend “open” Al-Anon meetings. An open Al-Anon meeting welcomes members and prospective members and allows attendance by people who are not families and friends of alcoholics but who are interested in learning about Al-Anon Family Groups.

Remember Anonymity and Confidentiality

Al-Anon is an anonymous fellowship. This means that anyone attending a meeting is asked to keep confidential the identities of individuals seen and everything shared in the meeting.

We always protect our members’ anonymity, but the Al-Anon/Alateen program is not anonymous. We encourage the spreading of information about the availability of Al-Anon/Alateen meetings.